Scopri le date dei prossimi eventi pCon. Dai seminari, alle fiere, ai corsi di formazione, creiamo occasioni per migliorare le tue competenze e per conoscere altri professionisti del settore.
The pCon solutions are focused on interior design professionals. There are various modules, some focused on interior design, others for quote creation and sales communication. Use the offline modules to get maximum power and the online modules to work and communicate on the go.
All pCon modules work with configurable data – a powerful mix of different types of information that speed up tasks. Your customer ideas will have immediate feedback, thanks to high levels of speed and interactivity generated by the configurable data.
You'll find the generic kitchen and living library (currently available only for certain markets), and hundreds of catalogs for furniture solutions for many sectors such as office, contract, home, educational, stores, and more.